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Challenges in SEO

For many businesses, SEO has become the engine that drives performance when it comes to sales, services or both. It’s also a vital component in presenting a business to the world at large, so it’s hard to overestimate its importance, especially for local business marketing

But it’s not easy. There are many challenges in SEO, and some of them are formidable. With that in mind, let’s look at four of the biggest ones and talk about some strategies for mastering them to get the most out of your SEO approach.

Here are the Four Biggest
Challenges in SEO

When it comes to SEO, keeping up with the Google algorithm is essential to ongoing success. Why? Simple. The algorithm determines your rank in searches, which in turn depends on whether and how much your content and presentation will be seen and used.

If you keep up with algorithm updates you’re much more likely to have a positive outcome, whether that translates to sales, the purchase of services, or brand awareness. If you don’t keep up with algorithm updates, you will likely miss something and get left behind. In other words, your rankings decrease significantly, or worse you don’t rank at all. To illustrate, let’s take an example of how it works. When it comes to business-related searches, short content used to be a staple of what you’d find in a typical Google search. But now that algorithm recognizes longer items, and the challenge of providing that kind of content left many businesses were left scrambling when this transition occurred.

One of the biggest challenges of SEO is the need to understand data to gain insight into your SEO campaign’s success. It’s tempting to think that just having solid content with the right keywords in the right places will convert to website traffic, sales and purchases, and profitability but SEO is so much more than that. Many who enjoy SEO strategies are usually insightful analysts and even then, the level of deep analysis that is required can be staggering. You must account for continuous unexpected changes that could affect your data. 

One example of this would be the recent changes in the IOS 6 operating system, that caused searches from within Safari to be counted as direct traffic instead of search traffic, it caused significant problems for SEO analysts. The change may sound trivial, but it forced thousands of businesses to change their entire SEO strategy to account for the change.

For many companies and businesses using SEO, the complexities involved constitute an automatic temptation to implement a quick fix and not trust the long term successful SEO strategies. This has led to what has popularly been labeled “black hat SEO,” which seeks to break the rules of a given algorithm on a search engine to boost rank by essentially gaming the system. It’s a dangerous tactic. The companies that design the search engines don’t like businesses and individuals that use black hat tactics, and searchers like them even less.

The world of SEO is littered with businesses that have tried this tactic and had it backfire on them, to the point where they become even less popular than they would have if they’d simply taken a straightforward approach. And as search engine design has become more sophisticated, some have even been banned, which is the business equivalent of a death sentence.

Search engine algorithms are constantly changing, and the businesses using them need to keep up. The changes are generally designed to improve the search engine experience, but keeping up can be a vexing, ongoing issue. One example of a change would be the aforementioned shift to longer content. More recent changes include a greater emphasis on mobile searches now that the vast majority of users are accessing search engines via their phones.

Another would be the more extensive use of geotargeting; those same users are now on the move more often, so this kind of targeting is essential to finding out where searchers are coming from and helping them find the physical location of the business if necessary. Finally, not all of these changes are announced. Many occur on the fly, and the most successful businesses are those that can find them and use them quickly and effectively. Mastering these changes is an important part of SEO success.

Learn more here

Learn about the cost of SEO practices here

View our most recent article on how to rank higher in Google Maps.

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Our Agency has digital marketing experts that specifically specialized in search engine optimization. We know it’s all about the first page/ local map rankings, enormous traffic, and quality leads that translate into a great ROI. Our team of Dallas SEO experts will work with you to create a unique SEO campaign that works for your business. For a decade we have had a proven track record for customizing powerful internet marketing campaigns that get businesses long-term results. We can’t wait to get started on your campaign today.

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